[A Circus Show]


Circus in the Parks

Thinking so fondly of our windswept 2013 show Shine! at the Bay View Opera House.


what do you miss most?

Feel free to drop us a line and let us know what your favorite show has been!


Remember what contagious delight feels like in a crowd? Remember the synchronized smiles and being swept away with collective anonymous laughter? Check out the link above for a full recording of that season's show. We are all missing Circus in the Parks, but maybe we can still vicariously laugh along...

As the summer season of 2020 comes to its close, we wanted to do what our mission statement says: offer circus to the public and to our community. Since we can not make it out to the parks quite yet, we decided to leave this here for you to enjoy. Looking forward to the next year. We will see you there!


Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Abigail Munn